[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

:cloud_with_lightning: image

Oh you mean for defense levels
Why the fuck the biologist so stronk

I swapped you and Italy.
I am the Chief Transporter.
That was what happened.
Second Warp ability.

Let me translate this one: Iron Man 2 Ending Sequence


Cmon that was fucking hilarious

Which ability?

If Italy was somehow the evil Biologistā€¦ then who is the convert? Geralt?

ā€¦I really, REALLY have to ask @Italy: Why did you have to murder him instead of airlocking him!? We literally have a Quarter Master claim!

If I were Pet, then lotsa deaths wouldā€™ve been happening already since I talked, but that isnā€™t the case.

We should probably just kill Italy to guarantee we have at least one alien dead

If heā€™s the evil biologist heā€™ll just infect so many people

:dagger: :it:

I still wanna just shoot at em a bunch
Maybe weā€™ll get lucky and hit first try

/murder Italy @N.1

If heā€™s actually pet will it show ā€˜hit, but failedā€™
or just as a miss

Who knows? lmao



Aw darn
Maybe I shouldā€™ve asked firstā€¦

I just asked.
It shows a miss.

Ah. Thatā€™s awkward.
