[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Real picture of Italy’s AtE

I forgot to draw Italy as a catgirl

Im back

Why we shooting at italy again

:cat2: :shield:

Italy and Magnus are thunderdomed that’s why.

I will have a retake within the following 2 hours.
Don’t expect me showing up until 2 hours have passed. (Or unless I finished the retake sooner, but I kinda doubt that.)

Hi back
I’m dad

Don’t, it’s a waste of time unless they’re scum
But we won’t know unless we get a hit

Are nominations to die open, yet?

Magnus claims Italy is Evil Biologist, @clonedcheese
Italy just murdered them

Noms to die are always open

they’re always open during the day phase

/vote yes on an Italy jettison

I think he tried to prove that he is the Pet because Pets can only die by airlock.



you cannot vote on an un-nominated individual

Except it shows a miss so it’s not actually going to help us at all
We’re rolling a 1/6 chance


I nominated him, didn’t I? lemme check

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uh blah blah blah “I swapped Italy and Zone” blah blah blah