[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

It has been five minuten


I just created one

/vote no to jettison Appelsini

I sleep now

1 Like

ā€¦im god shit

I mean, you lasted longer than 11 moves, so youā€™re at least better than Apprentice :stuck_out_tongue:

Uhā€¦ if Majority keeps being 7, then how will this work at F3?

i failed to update this; apologies

although as i said, each dead player gets one dead warp vote and one dead airlock vote for the game

Day Status:

Current Captain: Wazza :flying_saucer:

Replacement Captain Nominee Nominated By Voted By Votes
Appelsiini Wazza None 0/6
Airlock Nominee Nominated By Voted Yes Voted No Yes Votes Currently in the Airlock?
Appelsiini Apprentice None Zone_Q11 0 No
Italy KyoDaz KyoDaz, oB_L1ght, CRichard564 None 3 No
Voters Seeking to Progress to Warp Phase Votes
None 0/6

If this was a Queen only game, then we wouldā€™ve won D1. Since that didnā€™t happen, and I got transed into Queen, and I 100% redchecked Mole, and got confirmed by Quarter Master that Mole was Predator, then it can only be an Ambassdor game.

All would be solved if Geralt is the Trans Chief who targeted me. Dunno why you would think of Magnus as the real Trans Chief.

Yeah. Pretty much.

Again; if Magnus is the real Trans Chief ā€œsomehowā€, then Italy we just need to airlock Italy, as we already planned.

@Italy, are you going to say something or not?

I was asleep sorry.

I see I have 6 pings saying people are waiting for me.

Yes. Please confirm whether you are the Transport Chief or not.

I am not

ā€¦what? Youā€™re not joking, right?

Why does everyone believe I am transport chief?

No Iā€™m not transport chief.

Because otherwise Magnus would have to be the Transport Chief, meaning that Italy is the evil Biologist who is fakeclaiming as Petā€¦