[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Of course, dear Pet.
Come hither.

super mutant is no fun

Flipless FM games are a nice change I guess.

Alright, leaving all the mech stuff behind; I don’t like L1ght’s D2. D1 they had at least some posts that I could see coming from town perspective, and their tone was alright, but today they’ve been staying on the sidelines more. They’re a top-poster, but they’re not doing anything.

@Aelin could you talk with us?

zone said there was @PokemonKidRyan

Not 100% flipless as long as the Quarter Master is alive.

PKR can’t be the convert unless someone redirected me off of him N1.

Which is true.


I’m like super duper safe~
Nobody has any reason to doubt me and I still have a shooty gun because my dear pet friend is going to be airlocked and I cannot stop it which is saddening.

Oi, Medical Officer. You’re gonna bring back Italy.

…oh yeah. So PKR… wait no.
PKR can be the convert. He just can’t be the alien. …unless Apprentice is the Queen.

imagine being wazza, being mechanically confirmed town, and then proceeding to kill three town, one of which is one of, if not, the most mechanically powerful classes in the game

I think it should obvious what my claim is by now.

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Why would I sacrifice my own team mate?
I caused Apprentice to die.

i think it’s the other way around
crich is clearly claiming security here

I think you should keep me safe xoxo

also alien queen forcespawns only one parasite
PKR could mechanically not be a parasite with apprentice

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Uh… oh, right.
Wait. How do I know you didn’t just push for a…
…you know what? I have too many IFs in my head.
I’ll just assume that you are 100% town.

Good assumption, I like it.

being a pretty good, and passive only role, PKR is basically asking to be in the brig
which would be horrible for any alien except maybe informant