[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

also Zone, I asked you if I should do nothing again in whispers yesterday and you said “yeah sure”, so that’s what I did

WAIT, Cloned did a thing, so I think that eliminates Cloned from the PoE. I legit don’t know where to go now with a jettison now

Could still be converted, but any of us can be converted here

@Zone_Q11 I want to whisper you later

and sorry for pinging you so much

I do have things to do, but I will be back later

So you were the one who prevented me last night?

I want your opinions on things and whats your PoE?


You don’t have to whisper anymore. Virtually everyone’s roles are public by now.

I had thought you’d do something to prove your role so I can back it up…

…? You got feedback of being stopped?
Weird. It shouldn’r have been Geralt, so…
It was probably @Appelsiini, whom I have asked to occ you so you can’t mess stuff up like you did N1.

Yeah, I got told at the very start of hte night.

I was going to prevent Appels from being able to be hacked…

I wasn’t gonna risk using my hack again lol.

It was appel.
The person I swapped with

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So here are the facts:
There were 7 people who died D2, including Magnus the Trans Chief who got revived by cheese the Medic.

If PKR were to be the former evil Biologist, then Appel would’ve said so already, meaning that PKR is legit Quarter Master and Mole is the Predator.

I was the Queen. There was no doubt about this, and even if I was lying about any part, then my death would only benefit the crew.

This… leaves us with Apprentice and Richard.

…we have socially deducted through silence that Apprentice is most likely evil. The only question is whether he was or wasn’t the OG Queen.

As for Richard… dunno what to think of him. There is no role that can confirm him, and a third Passenger claim is questionable.

Which can’t be proven, and even if it could be proven whether you prevented a hack or not, the only alien which can hack others is the Hacker (Warrior Alien), which would indicate a fourth alien, which… is personally hardcore for a first game.

Point being: Sorry to say this Wazza, but you have become quite useless ability-wise.

Hi peoples

At this point it seems we’re all clear of starting scum, except maybe gorta

…now we need to fine the 3 evils

*To find the 3 converts