[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Remove Wazza since I don’t believe in Sympathizers. Same goes for Geralt.

That leaves us with Kyo, and through my whispers with him, I naturally trusted him as time passes. But trust is biased, so if you want to push this, then you need someone to nominate for his airlock.

/nominate Kyo for airlock

Let’s look at it this way - Out of the possible starting aliens, we know that at least we started with the Predator, Ambassador, and Queen. People who could not start as alien - Italy, Wazza, cloned, me, Apple, Magnus, Geralt, Zone, PKR

This leaves App, CRich, Mole, Kyo, and an_gorta
Mole, we are certain was Predator.

This means that, out of App, CRich, Kyo, and an_gorta, there are two starting aliens.
App, we are almost certain was an alien.

This means that out of CRich, Kyo, and an_gorta, there is a starting alien.

So, logically, if they’re all dead… No more converts.

@Apprentice /Request whisper

@KyoDaz what was your Warp 1 info?

I’ve just proven myself as not starting Alien
I have to have the comms officer role right now
I can only be converted
but ok

I forgot to use my ability. I forgot it existed.
I still have to use mine this phase.

For a moment, consider that I’m an idiot. How are you confirmed?

Because I could’ve said Gorta was Alien Biologist, he’d die which would lead Town on the hunt for a convert and my role is never converted
I could’ve easily deepwolfed to victory
But I’m kind of town, and didn’t want gorta to die when he’s confirmed not alien biologist to me

The plan was also to fire murders at the people
So Quartermaster wouldn’t have caught me on lying about Gorta being biologist, either

And… why didn’t you just ask if gorta was alien-aligned?

That way you could’ve cleared him out of that PoE altogether

… I don’t actually know.
PKR was the one who suggested I ask if he had a day ability or not.

Appel mentioned this
I have no idea how it didn’t cross my mind to just ask if Gorta was an alien or not

I’ve been doing a number of things behind the scenes, anyway
So saying I haven’t given reads isn’t true because I’ve been whispering Zone + PKR + Gorta about my thoughts

Hmm… So your ask the computer thing is a day ability?

Yes, which is why I didn’t get a chance to use it D1
The day ended early and I forgot to use it

I see. Want to go ahead and use it?

Already submitted. I’m waiting for it to be processed.