[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)


/whisper @Magnus

and /whisper @clonedcheese

I think the interesting thing is that if the biologist was evil and alive I would be infected, but I am still ship aligned and will be holding the ship back tonight. Who could it be if it wasn’t App or CRich? Most of us have some confirmation that proves we aren’t the evil Biologist. The only ones without that confirmation are You,me, and light and I know it’s not you.

basically I am saying that I think the Biologist is likely dead or somehow the biologist role was shifted to someone ship aligned

/Request whisper Gorta



I believe it was CRichard, whom I promptly murdered.

I just broke the whisper. Whoops.
/whisper clonedcheese


Forgot the ping @an_gorta_pratai


/Whisper request @CRichard564


Oh wow
I thought that was WIFOM but LOL

If it was shifted to someone ship aligned.
That player would say about being the Biologist.
Your logic holds no water.

@Moleland what do you want and why do you want to talk to me so bad?

What’s the TL;DR version of events since last night?

/whisper @Magnus


/Request whisper @PokemonKidRyan