[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I mean I like(d) death




Welp folks. Since the game has yet to end, then that means that we havenā€™t found the convert(s?) at all.
ā€¦ @Wazza, can I now have your log of actions?

Wazza technician
clonedcheese medical officer
PokemonKidRyan Galley officer
KyoDaz comms officer
an_gorta_pratai navigator
Magnus transporter chief

If cheese is not converted then me and wazza arenā€™t converts, which leaves PKR,Kyo, and Magnus. I want to say Kyo isnā€™t it, but that was for the og queen, so I think Kyo could be converted. Magnus brought PKR back and could possibly be a convert, but I am not sure. I just think itā€™s either in PKR/Kyo if cloned is not a converted MO. If cloned was converted it could be just cloned or cloned/Wazza as converts. This all depends on cloneds results tomorrow
TL;DR my PoE for converts are Kyo/PKR and Magnus if cheese is not converted

I premade that, but still. I think it all depends on clonedā€™s results

PKR cannot be the convert because he got meteored when Aliens were clearly losing

Magnus wouldā€™ve been reviving Moleland by this point if he was evil
I personally think itā€™s just cheese

Thatā€™s possible, as that PoE is just assuming that cloned isnā€™t converted

I was personally between Geralt/cheese yesterday.
I think itā€™s also entirely possible Geralt was a convert with the queenā€™s one-time-ability and cheese is the biologist convert.

Kyo you are so lucky that I had finished talking to you.
If I hadnā€™t then people could and should have considered you as I was on my final warning for things like that.


Anyway, I can confirm that Kyo did say it was in Geralt or Cheese probably.
So I picked Geralt because I do not think that Wazza is the Symp (Assuming that is what we have, idk) or convert due to allowing me to become captain. So it left the other outliers of the checks.

I had Kyo confirm you as non-bio before and Kyo did cooperate.

Also Iā€™ve been all over the place with whispers co-ordinating the night actions
We wouldnā€™t be able to afford a potential mis-jettison on Geralt, Light, Italy + Appel if it wasnā€™t for my co-ordination and optimisation of the night actions and reviving people.

(I also stabbed the Queen > Evil Biologist)

I think the queen was in CRich/App, so who would say are the converts?

I believe that Geralt and/or cheese are the converts depending on whether or not CRichard chose to use his one-time-ability
I suppose it could be Wazza; but he had a good ISO for early days.

ā€¦I am confused right now. So who do we want to be airlocked Today?

Also @Appelsiini, I think I am starting to lose my direction in this game. There are too many possibilities and variables that I donā€™t know who to trust anymore. So I will trust your judgement since you seem to be the only one somewhat trustworthy in the past 72 hours.

What about me?

Justā€¦ no.

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Why doe?

Mole, you are the Predator.
There is a reason you are not alive and thus not a valid target for airlock.