[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Do dead players not get a single vote?

I love it when a good town implodes

Nobody would be misinformed enough to vote me
As far as Iā€™m concerned that entire wallpost just confuses me because your questions came from a town pov but that wallpost of refusing to analyse my thought process is atrocious and throws you back into the convert PoE

We do, but we canā€™t nominate anyone, soā€¦ there is that problem.

One of your reasons for voting me D4 was that I was alive D4. How is me questioning the stupidity of that reason suspicous to you?

Literally everyone you could have voted was alive D4.

Itā€™s not stupid
I executed you D4 because I believed that scum wouldā€™ve pushed you by now if you werenā€™t converted for being LHF
Which is why I believed you couldā€™ve been town for thinking that

You were alive so I decided to make you unalive
Is that good enough reason for you

Scum did push me and get me hung, D4. You.

I started that push because you didnā€™t claim

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I didnt post either, I was not online at the time.

You were just not a starting alien that we know of

Converting me makes no sense in any world unless scum literally were rolling a dice to decide who to convert.

I have no idea what youā€™re talking about.
Iā€™ve told you why I decided to push for your execution.
And you refuse to analyse my thought process.
I donā€™t believe youā€™re actually trying to solve; Geralt is probably trying to push agenda to save his teammate.

/whisper @Moleland

Would you look at that
Apprentice, Moleland AND Geralt are all trying to push agenda
Itā€™s because they know theyā€™re about to lose with a cheese execution
Which makes me even more confident the game is about to end


KyoDaz, I did analyse your thought process. You say you think I was likely convert because I was UTR but this makes no sense - I had done very little all game and would always attract attention late game. It made far more sense to convert someone who was actively contributing and thus had more towncred. I believe you know and recognize this.

Now you accuse me of making up some crazy ā€œagendaā€ based on my perfefctly logical questioning of your illogical reasons for pushing me to be hung??

I am fairly sure you are scum my friend.

You can say ā€œIā€™m pushing Agendaā€ by questioning the validity of your read to gain info regarding your alignment but that is crazy. In what way am I pushing Agenda???

By saying this, it seems to me you are just trying to discredit my push against you as you are not bothering to say at all how I am pusing Agenda.

Furthermore, you seem to keep switching your read on me in the last 10 minutes. I believe you trued to see if you can try dissuade me from pushing you by saying you now townread me but then realized I would not stop pushing you so instead you decide to discred me by using the buzzword ā€œagendaā€ with no substance to discredit myself.