[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I mean I thought Wazza was contributing post-conversion window
Clearly not

Also, @clonedcheese, if I was scum, where was my self-pres? Where was my resistance? The reasoning for my airlock was because I didnā€™t have a plan for the day because I didnā€™t want to vote whomstever the fuck it was

Day Status:

Current Captain: PokemonKidRyan :flying_saucer:

Replacement Captain Nominee Nominated By Voted By Votes
None None None 0/3
Airlock Nominee Nominated By Voted Yes Voted No Yes Votes Currently in the Airlock?
clonedcheese KyoDaz KyoDaz None 1 No
KyoDaz clonedcheese clonedcheese None 1 No
Wazza an_gorta_pratai None None 0 No
Voters Seeking to Progress to Warp Phase Votes
Cannot Vote for Warp Yet 0/4

High effort reads from scum KyoDaz it seems.


Youā€™re talking to the man who weaseled out from Alice by not selfpres as scum

Yes that is one of my top 3 proudest moments

Geralt of Rivia, more like
Geralt of Shade Throwing

The captain would be a top priority conversion target, but why give the captainship to PKR?

Iā€™m not shade throwing, Iā€™m directly saying you are scum. Shade throwing is doing so subtlety and indirectly.

This Geralt is about as persistant as Leafia
He doesnā€™t know when to quit

Why are you so sure itā€™s not Kyo? This looks like a vote to try to save Kyo - just as Kyo is voted you vote Waz another low poster.

I feel the exact same
I will never forget reading Alice as neut

W/e, weā€™ll talk about it after the game cloned

So, by your logic, scum cannot be in the low posters
Or they just have to be in the high posters
The people doing things

I am partially biased from our neighborhood, but make a case

And earlier today angorta comes on and shades me right after I pushed Kyo instead of hunting for the alive scum despite them saying they had no alive scumreads.

Geralt, Iā€™m sorry, but youā€™ve done jack shit all game

Geralt reeks of pro-low poster than pro-town
Heā€™s just using any excuse to read people

I already have, socially they have been pretty scummy and I cant see any town motivation from them in their justification for reads.

They thought Wazza was town for doing stuff but has 24 posts? Suddenly now theyā€™re happy voting Wazza? They arent putting efforts into reads or solving game, only effort into appearing townie and surviving.

It seems blatantly obvious to me that KyoDaz is evil lol. Not sure why no one else can see it.

cough maybe not being on for three days had something to do with it cough
Also a majority of your posts come after dying

Iā€™ve already said this, but the kill on CRich does not make sense. It doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re suddenly lock town, it just means Iā€™m more sus of Wazza atm.