[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I want to remind tgat dead people have 1-shot votes, like jn the BotF :eyes:

Processing processes.

That might or might not involve mitosis.

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Warp 5 has ended. No one has died.

You also managed to pass by a small Kestrel Cruiser sending SOS signal and some message about Mantis and Zoltan boarding party.

You decided to ignore them, as they belong to different game.

You are currently 6 jumps from your destination.

Day 6 has begun. The first ship attack today will be in 16 hours.

Warp votes may no the cast for the first 12 hours, but all other day-based activities may occur at any time.

Reminder that some of you still have unused attacks and that dead people can vote once when dead.



My apologies for last night and me not being around.
I was not quite feeling 100% due to a tooth problem >.>


I was just sleeping so.

hi hello

I have told you ppl

to yeetus Kyo

/nominate Kyo @N.1 @eevee

PokemonKidRyan you understand the best way to hunt a convert is via social play as anyone can be converted so mechanics are not helpful?

Refusing to do so is accepting you are caught scum and giving up which would be a shame, no?

Just because you are scum you should not give up in this way, makes me incredibly sad.

There was nobody present at the time, so nobody could be yeeted.

Kyodaz is fairly obvious scum but I doubt he is only one. We should try to game solve today my companions.

@an_gorta_pratai, you can stop going backwards, you know?
At this rate the ship will never reach the final destinationā€¦ not that it will matter though, since the game will automatically end once one side loses, but uhā€¦ itā€™s kinda excessive at this point.

Nice to see that we have 4 hours to warp this time instead of 2 hours from D5ā€¦

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Okayā€¦ where do you want to start? We have six people alive, and one of them is nominating Kyo right off the bat. Do you think that he is a crewmember because his reads happen to align with yours?

I do think I should say that the Galley Officer/Evil Versions occā€™d me again

Is that a problem at this point though?

no I just think whoever is doing it is Town lol

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Iā€™m confident in gorta is town and shouldnā€™t die.

The other 5 Iā€™m unsure of and want to see them actually try and interact with each other and us and make reads and give opinions instead of relying on silly mechanics which is less helpful. Itā€™s not that hard to hang the scummiest person out of 5 people to be quite honest.

Kyos reaction and end of day yesterday was awful so unless anyone else is even worse or he improves he should still die. But I still want to see stuff from the other alive players before deciding.

I think at most we have 2

What do you think we have been doing?

ā€¦wut? You said that Galley Officer ā€œ/ Evil Versionsā€ occā€™ed you.
How does that imply town? --also, there is only one known player who can occ people and that is PKR.
I donā€™t think this is anything new though, considering the N2 occ from Appel.