[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

being neighbors with Kyo was also quite fun

We discussed our hatred for coffee + how tea must be tasted by the tea taster to be evaluated in a correct fashion


I wouldā€™ve replaced our but new replacing out rule wouldā€™ve gotten me blacklisted f or 2 months and Iā€™m not down for that

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I just agreed with everything gorta said
And when I didnā€™t think it was in my favor
ā€œHmm, Iā€™m not sure.ā€

And of course I pushed the agenda that I couldnā€™t have been starting Queen (which was true)
So gorta mechread me town

No matter how you try to refute it.
Youā€™re British. Even if youā€™re up north.


my reads in spec chat were like super good

im proud of myself

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I would hope so


bitch you thought i was priestess

ā€¦ Did you play BotF5 in Spec Chat?


ok that was the 1 read i got wrong

I was hyped to spec with priestess and then I was in an informed spec chat with fucking katze reee

either way kyodaz goat


That reminds me of the time we ran a mini short fuse game in short fuse V spec chat lmao

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oh god oh fuck


Whatever the number is with forum names as roles.

One of us.

all the other aliens either were converted late or got mech yeeted early

zone was kind of just doing gamer things at the beginning there

kyodabu hardcarry yet again


so N.1 added me and marshal to a PM to make us select a spec chat (because we hadnā€™t selected)

and my pfp was priestesses PFP at that time


Well, darn. I mean, at least I was right.

I can now 100% confirm I have unlocked soul reads on Kyo