[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

did you roll scum again?

Pet is ship aligned. Check the opening post Gorta.

I am too tired and boozed up for this it sems

I try to avoid getting drunk and get the sleep I need.

I am not drunk, but I had a nasty buzz earlier and my sleep schedule is better than it has ever been. I haven’t even been drunk before

NAI opening post

I’m blue dah-boo-dee-bah

Sometimes I think this site is rigged, as this damned rand just hates me

NAI response to opening post.

Knows the alignment colour, locktown.

I don’t know what you’re saying but you’re locktown too random citizen

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I’m not drunk, just under the influence

Cop car sirens :policeman:

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I’m not drunk officer, I swear

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Try walking in a straight line then.

Everyone hop on the locktown-train~

I wasn’t drinking and driving, I was drinking while waiting for the stop sign to turn green

That was great

I don’t know why but Appel is my favorite out of all you

I can’t do that

A wise choice

Have headpats