[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Thoughts on Pet compared to ModeShifter, Diviner, Beowolf, Templar, and Lying Darkness?

i get the concept
and iā€™m going to pretend i absolutely hate it even though i enjoyed this game


pet is meant to be insanely strong mechanically
a 5 in 6 chance to kill unkillable empath who can mechconfirm theirself if ever truly needed
but is absolutely horrible socially, as they will not only be forced to out theirself day 1 but will also are required to speak in ciphers, images and emojis or they, taking priority over everyone else, airlock theirself
which can be weaponized in some cases

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arguing with everyone on how thereā€™s no such thing as true randomness in airlock was painful though


I fully understood what you were trying to say
I just decided to
Not say anything

oh yeah
if anyone wants to know what they rolled on any shot attempts, let me know

i think i snipped all of them

I canā€™t believe my stab on CRichard hit.

i can believe my stab on magnus hit


the predator has met its match
the almighty one who strikes fear into every alien across the galaxy
the cat.

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Is this going to be a theme where you kill me every game we play together?

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Also I got confused by dead players being able to talk in main thread.
I thought there was supposed to be a dead chat thread.

In flipless, elimination-less games like this and BotF, everyone gets to talk for the entire game. When you die, you just lose your class ability and your ability to nominate (and your ability to try to shoot someone, if you havenā€™t tried already). You also only get one airlock vote and one warp vote for the rest of the game.

Lore-wise, in this game, when someone dies, their consciousness gets uploaded into the cloud.

Also, here is lore for Transporter Chief:

Transporter chief doesnā€™t need any more bodies besides the ones that are alive (as he can never increase the number of living players), unlike revival which does increase the number of living players, does need a specific corpse, and that could require a non-existent corpse, which would be impossible. Transporter chief doesnā€™t really care about corpses, as all dead consciousnesses can be stored in the cloud, and he can change what consciousness occupies each body / what consciousnesses to store in the cloud via transportation.

Bummer dude. I should have remembered that.

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it was very nice of the computer to forcefully yeet me off the ship because i wasnā€™t meant to be there and then make it so that i could literally just be put back on


wait the classes have lore?

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Not canon no
this is however the only thing that makes sense for why transporter chief can do what he does and why airlocked players cannot be revived.

i think the medical officer should just man up and retrieve the body

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