[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

aliens can’t be ship aligned, but ship aligned people can get alien roles through the transporter chief. Those that are ship aligned with an alien role must still die before the game ends though or Aliens win

OwO that will be fun being able to talk only in emojis.

This is hell

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Do you know how much this has derailed thread
I’m going to sleep

As a host I want to remind that firekitten doesn’t play this game, so you can’t have redcheck on them.


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It is literally impossible for you to be checking a Pet or Hybrid and for Italy to be checking a Pet or Hybrid.
Unless I am wrong, these are unique roles. Only 1 of them.

Therefore, the greenchecks (Yours and Italy’s) can only be illegitimate if there is a detection immune role amidst them. The only role, unless I am misunderstanding which does this… is Sympathiser and even that I am unsure of.

As by the wording Sympathiser is alien to investigative checks and idk whether the Pet/Hybrid are using investigative checks when the passive triggers or not.


What? I think something got lost along the way here

What do you mean by biological then? Like, what? xD

From everything Italy has said I think this means his greenchecks can be infected without him knowing and thus we shouldn’t rely on those checks post d1

Warrior faction has one member that’s immune to tech checks and one member that’s immune to bio checks



Please ask the host what your check and Italy’s check counts as.

You don’t think that I have?

And the result…?

ok, maybe I am wrong then

:policeman: :mag: :biohazard: = :green_circle: :heart: :syringe:
:policeman: :mag: :biohazard: = :red_circle: :cat:


Italy, I will get to you.
Forgive me dear pet.

are you saying that you appear as an alien?

Is it something to do with this, @Italy