[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

not to mention i still have 0 fucking clue what italy’s talking about even with light’s cipher

Italy… should be fine.
It’s just that the cipher was a bit different to an already existent one but similar!

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I will protect the pet as much as I can lmao.

…let’s just all collectively shut up about this for now

I agree with this.
So let’s get on with discussion.

Are my general day/night plans acceptable to people here?

:cloud_with_lightning: :no_entry_sign:
:axe: :white_check_mark:

Thunder bad
Axe good


He’s saying not to talk about it or he’s going to get smited.

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Don’t smite the Italy



I’m just gonna go play some chess

I am going to bed

I’m having a drink.

Oh right. It would be a guaranteed cuddle for the day, not a modkill.
My bad.

Also, if it’s remotly simlar to something which was designed by other player (to be more exact - makes sense when used with cipher given by another player), it triggers and replaces cuddle (airlock) for the day.


I’m needing sleep. I’m tired of the game ‘guess Italy’s regurgitation’

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is this mod confirmation that italy is pet

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Does this mean… that punishment time awaits.

Tbh it was like 99% obvious already.

Hot take
Pet is a meme role
Therefor it has a 100% chance of existing in an eeve +n.1 game