[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Hey y’all, I said all I need to for today.
If Italy, you have too, then want to be D1 whisper buds?


I think so, unless I’m mistaken.

Anyway Zone has my claim.

Although an all-nighter is generally considered suspicious.

WHY Rich?

Yes, yes they can.

Welp. So much for continuing the whisper.

So Zone knows CRich’s claim
Italy knows my claim

I was asked to claim.
Why not provide it?

And keep those separate.
So if important hidden claims start dying, we can determine who it is easier.

Because Zone is getting everybody’s claims.
And there’s a conversion system.

The conversion only works once per game, and can be prevented by me being jailed or guarded.

Actually, wait.
I thought of something.

:prince: :shield: :it:
:biohazard: :cat2: > :alien: :no_entry:

…oh. Apparently this was also a thing.

Never mind doesn’t work.

…? I don’t get it. Why would any guard/jailkeeper protect you? You have already said that Wazza and Geralt are town, so there is no problem even if you were converted.

:it: image

…yeah, I don’t understand what that means.
Wanna whisper about it?

:it: :shield: :boom: :gun: