[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

By the way, apparently we need 7 and not 8 votes for an airlock.

First of all: You could always nominate Light if you want to.
Secondly: Voting Mole has priority. Whisper to me if you want the details.

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I think light and appel are w/w, just look at their interactions

fine /whisper Zone

Gorta. Listen to both me and Zone here.
Mole is the vote today.
No exceptions.

Why would you want to airlock an innocent lost soul like me?

Talk of the devil and he shall arrive.

You are neither innocent nor a lost soul.

But Im biologist. Now I have to out. Thanks


Oh, now that is a good one.


Zone said he was communications offixer in our whisper. What’s he saying to you guys?

So, who’d you check?

Gorta. Not alien

Damn, pulling off a double lie.
Now that IS bold.

I’m not lying here

Except you are… because you’re no biologist.
And I can guarantee that :slight_smile:

Pfft. W/e you say

But Zone and everyone he’s whispering knows that I am the biologist.
Who had a red on you.

Right @Zone_Q11? :slight_smile:

Of course, do not interrupt your whisper just to confirm me.
But when you’re done, feel free to expose Mole.

Why do you think that earlier on, Italy kept doing the innoculation/vaccine emote?
It’s because he had talked to the biologist.