[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Do we know who the Transporter swapped with Zone?

What did Light lie about? He literally said that his initial redcheck was a reaction test.
ā€¦I mean, Light can still be alien, butā€¦ same problem if App was Queen: Someone shouldā€™ve been converted by now if that were the case.

The thing is, this can work in theory, assuming we have four starting aliens, butā€¦
Ambassador + Predator + Queen + Sympathizerā€¦
I asked eevee, and the setup was made manually since there is no bot that can give the rands.
The existence of the Ambassador is already big enough, so I doubt there would be a fourth alienā€¦

If App was the Queen, they wouldnā€™t have been able to do anything because me and Wazza occā€™ed them. I was about to say they probably werenā€™t, since they wouldā€™ve known they were occupied, but then againā€¦ ā€œbeating around the bush for an hourā€ doesnā€™t sound too promising.

Sigh, I am confused then

No we donā€™t, because it is either Magnus or Geralt, and if Magnus is the Transporter Chief, then we got a third alien (Ambassador or evil Biologist) whose identity is unknown.

what do you mean?

This looks like it will be a quick Ship win guys.
We can assume both Mole and App were alien aligned.
Yet the queen is still out there.

The problem with App being Queen isā€¦ if he was the Queen, then he wouldā€™ve become Biologist, and that means that someone should have been infected and thereby converted. The only question is: ā€œWho would he have converted?ā€

I meanā€¦ I understand the situation more or less, but the amount of possible worlds is just too damn many.

a meme about CRich entering the thread right after the huge conflict

I noticed that yesterday L1ght scum read me.
Which is unfortunate as I town lean his slot so I think heā€™s claiming to scum read me either as part of a reaction test or as a confused townie :thinking:

I have a habit of sleeping through conflicts such as these. The SoD time was when I was sleeping.

Yes. Good morning.
Any other people you townlean?

You, PKR, Italy obviously, Cheese, Zone.

App is 100% alien. The problem is: Was he the evil Biologist (former Queen) or was he the Ambassador? If he was the Ambassador, then there could be an evil Biologist still alive. If he was the evil Biologist, then he shouldā€™ve already converted someone by now.

Either way: We would still need to find the third alien.
My original assumption was that ā€œnobody was converted yet because App was the Ambassador and the currently-alive evil Biologist has not been onlineā€.
Butā€¦ only Magnus and Geralt were have not been online, and unless Italy is the third alien, then Geralt should be 100% town, meaning that Magnus should be the third alien.

In other words: If Magnus claims the Transporter Chiefā€¦ then **** I donā€™t know what to do, since only Geralt can confirm whether that is true or false.

Would you get blocked if your role gets swapped (with Appel blocking App)

I have become the Queen thanks to the Transporter Chief. The third alien is either an Ambassador (harmless) or an evil Biologist.

Either way: We shouldnā€™t be able to skip the day before either Magnus or Geralt arrives, soā€¦ by the end of this day we should have one convert among us.

/whisper CRichard564

Me not being in here makes me sad.

That shouldnā€™t be the case to be honest. ā€¦though I would have to have @N.1 confirm that.

Oh yeah I shouldnā€™t forget I town lean you.

/Accept whisper @eevee