[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

It’s the other way around.
If it’s a 5, then you need a 5 or a 6 to kill them.

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No Italy that’s wrong


I mean, based on the rules it looks right

I have a host quote I can fish out for you if you want


“your number is compared to a 6 sided dice roll. If you beat it, you killed that player.”

Please do

Well… for the sake of science:

/murder Italy


  • Italy - claims pet, probably starting queen
  • Wazza - ? Checked by italy
  • Apprentice Died D2 via Murder - lock evil
  • CRichard564 - ?
  • clonedcheese - lmao
  • ob_L1ght - the neighbor greencheck one
  • Appelsiini - blocker
  • PokemonKidRyan - ?
  • Moleland Died EoD1 via Airlock - predator
  • Zone_Q11- currently ship-aligned queen
  • KyoDaz - ?
  • an_gorta_pratai - ?
  • Magnus Died D2 via Murder - transporter, claims swapped zone and italy
  • Geralt_of_Rivea - MIA, checked by italy

Fill in the blanks while i gather me thoughts


I know. This is what you wanted though, right?
Unless hits also counts as misses?


Hits also count as misses apparently
Feel free to ask in your classcard


WhY dOeS mY bRaIn Do ThIs To Me???

Okay. How are we supposed to confirm Italy then?

I don’t want to angleshoot I sweat