[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

If italy is lying it’s most likely to protect someone next to him.

I know I’m town - it seems likely to me that WazzaAzza is also bad and italy did it to protect them.

magnus is queen
zone or gerard is infected

i literally just force executed myself

I also thought about Zone lying, but that wouldn’t be possible because of Pet’s role in general

i’m DEAD the moment the game goes into warp

I was literally the cause of App’s death, so Geralt is more likely the convert if you are legit Pet, but…

Let’s be honest here, converting the slanker seems like such a waste.

I believe that. Its probably zone then.

murder eachother
it can only be one of you

I don’t follow

either zone or geralt is scum because there is no mechanical possibility for a swap on zone if geralt isn’t transporter

There you have it folks, this is not a pet. It was a good act there mind you Italy.
Unfortunately not good enough.

Ah, you have got to be kidding me… wait. If Magnus is the convert, then who is the active player who converted him, and why him out of all people? I thought people would go for me. (Even if I already made a safe net system so they can’t abuse me, in the form of whispers.)

too bad i force the airlock
you literally can’t get more proven than that


I thought u said I was 100% town

I don’t know
My brain is too tired for deduction

Guess we’ll find out if the game ends right then and there or if we have a convert among us.

I was the cause of App’s death. Me being converted either means I was converted after his death, or… wait. Magnus is the suspected evil Biologist.

…okay, I am in the POE.

i want to take this single day where i can post freely because there’s no higher penalty to point out every bit of rage i have felt

i posted the empath image like three times

i can’t be MURDERED. i kept trying to get you to attack me

this is on par with predator, it has nothing to do with if you can kill me

This is a code 10 abort. The ship’s defenses have been compromised. Initiate Airlock Priority Level 1.

@Italy has been locked inside the airlock. All airlock nominations are purged, and no one may be nominated for the remainder of the day.

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