[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Zone, I never said I occupied Magnus.

Hey friendo, I saw that.
I tried to be able to understand you, but alas it seems that now was wasted effort.

I said I hacked him.

Meaning itā€™s random if he was occupied or not.

i can only be airlocked
and imagine intentionally airlocking somebody who is literally confirmed

Didnā€™t you say you occupied App?

Hacking people sucks badly.

Done. Now you censor yours.

Yeah, just out what you did N1!

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that was a bait to get your reasoning tbh.

And it worked, so yeah.

I pinged Zone to back me up but he said he wouldnā€™t.

Thatā€™s the problem: ā€œWe never know what a hack does to a Transporter Chief.ā€

I mean- I was already explaining it in here right before App started trying to murder me. But alrighty

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if i donā€™t get revived then vibes will be checked

Everyone: Ask N.1 what a hack does on the Transporter Chief!

Oh nevermind, hack doesnā€™t mean occupy.

pet is a class thatā€™s clearly amazing mechanically, but absolutely horrendous socially
which is exactly the kind of class that be useful for italy

I just rechecked my DMs, ZS

I couldnā€™t back you up since you claimed to have occā€™ed Apprentice; not Magnus.

Ok I will claim if people think itā€™s me?

N.1 said itā€™s occupation on non-investigatives.
Eevee said it makes their action go completely random and thatā€™s the definition they went for.

prove your innocence
it wonā€™t be easy because we all think you were infected by the alien queen by her one shot ability