Oh yeah
Morse code is banned
If you attempt to gimmick the PR to an excessive extent by using the same cipher over and over again, you might break PR. Mixing up your ciphers enough is acceptable, though.
Oh yeah
Morse code is banned
If you attempt to gimmick the PR to an excessive extent by using the same cipher over and over again, you might break PR. Mixing up your ciphers enough is acceptable, though.
Inb4 a maniac like me tries to make codes from musical notes, and upload videos on a YT channel…
–which is not impossible. I only need 9 notes.
Though, literally nobody will ever be as dedicated as I am.
I bet that if the Pet is ever in the game, they will legitimately post only memes.
Without the text lol
Eh… I can’t decipher it.
As though it didn’t mean anything
I revamped the Pet’s Passive 3. Let me know if it looks good now or if there is anything else I should adjust.
@Zone_Q11 and others.
I also adjusted the Stowaway role a bit, to eliminate any possible gimmicking.
Pls gib thoughts when ppl see this. ty!
As i’ve stated before, what applies in BotF will apply here too.
Technically hosts don’t have to abide by any norms, so long as they comply with all the rules of the setup.
Nevertheless, what I’ve said before regarding my stance on flipless games with host powers applies here too: When I host a game like this or BotF, my goal as a host is usually to keep the game as close as possible for as long as possible; so yes, to prolong the game. To prevent angleshooting, even though that is what I like, it’s always possible I can defy that stance (if I sense angleshooting based on my hosting philosophy, there’s a greater chance I will do that), so please do remember that.
However, I don’t have any say on what eevee’s philosophy on host powers is, and he will have say too of course as the other host, so keep that in mind.
Also, i would advise against outing instantly to converted ppl without hesitation, unless ur confident.
Remember that everyone who is capable of acting at night learns whether or not they were occupied at SoN, but if the guard were in the game, the converter would not be informed if their conversion was prevented by the guard. Among the other things their ability does, the guard also prevents all abilities which give someone the passive and/or convert someone from ship-aligned to alien-aligned (doesn’t prevent the other way, though).
I think all is well. (The best way to try something is by running it, but at this point we just need the players.)
Do the new pet and stowaway cards look good and comprehensive enough now?
That is a subjective matter. If you mean “good” as “100% understandable if you take your time reading it, and is nearly loophole-proof”, then yes it is good. If you mean “comprehensive” as “it’s quick and easy to understand after reading at first glance”, then no; it’s too big.
Personally, I think it’s good since I have literally seen what extent you have gone through to fix as many possible loopholes that you can solve. But I still don’t know if the new players who will join will see the same way as I do.
–also, we might need a masstag to summon new players.
We literally only need 4 more people. It shouldn’t be too hard to find them…
Is it okay that I made pet have a rule where if they use ciphers, all the ciphers they use must be custom made by themself (not already existent ones), and each cipher they make may only be used in a maximum of five posts each @Zone_Q11?
I am only saying this because -if people put their effort into it- there is no loophole that can’t be found.
Personally I think it’s tough to find any loopholes, but -if there will ever be a bastard more cunning than I am- there might be people who can find some.
To be honest, how does that one work?
As in… I don’t even know how many ciphers my clock code had.
Why don’t you just make it so that they can -if they are truly wanting to communicate thoroughly- only post 5 encoded messages per Day Phase? (I’d imagine a wallpost if they are ever to do it.)
–but seriously though, I think that it will be fine. I am still betting that people like Marshal will post the “boxed in” meme, and people like sulit will still post cat images and videos.
The clock code i would count as one cipher.
Anything that is all a part of the same code counts as only one.
Basically, so long as two different messages have the exact same key required to solve the cipher as a whole, they count as a part of the same cipher.
(…N, I don’t think anyone -not even me- would ever go through such lengths to even make more than one cipher. One is enough to communicate… so why would one bother to make another?)