[Misc] Airlock — Pregame (14/14)

:game_die: 11

/in on Seat 11

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I really want to be the Queen of the Parasites


Don’t forget about gorta, N.
…anyhow, now that I understand what the attack is all about, I think I will go and see the characters.
–though, before that happens, I want to know what phases there are. That thing is somewhat unclear to me.

Implying you aren’t at the moment


This reminds me a lot of Aliens vs Predator

There are two phases, spool (Day) and warp (Night)
I have left day just called day for now because i dont like the sound of the word spool.

The way the day phase works is as follows:

This is perhaps the biggest difference from Clocktower. There is no discussion phase, no nomination phase, no voting phase, Living players may nominate others anytime during the day (still only nominations only once per living player and once per nominee each day, though).

There’s still the one ghost vote for dead ppl.

Anyway, once someone is nominated, they need to accumulate votes equal to (half of all living players, including the nominee, rounded up) or greater to get put in the airlock.

If that happens, other players can still be nominated. The airlocked player can nominate someone else if they’re alive and haven’t done so yet today.

If someone gets up to tie votes with the player in the airlock, everyone is taken out of the airlock. If they get more, they replace them in the airlock, et cetera. Someone can even use their shot while within the airlock, if they want.

This is known as the normal airlocking process, which has a priority level of 3.

Anyone claiming stowaway has a priority level of 2, meaning if this happens, no one can possibly get airlocked by the normal voting process that day; the computer will not allow it. However, if someone else claims stowaway, they can replace the airlocked player within the airlock.

Pet breaking their PR has a priority level if 1. If the pet ever breaks their PR, no one else will ever be able to be in the airlock that day going forward besides them.

All players (alive or dead) may cast their votes to warp the ship at any time. There must be 80% (this percentage could be changed, based on balance; it’s not canon and i made it up) of all players (alive or dead), rounded up, voting to warp the ship, to hammer and for the ship to be warped. If the ship gets warped, the player in the airlock dies if there is one and they aren’t dead already, and the game progresses to the Warp phase.

The host has no power to end the day phase. Only the players do. However, each day will have a timer revealed at SoD whose length is determined by the hosts. If the players do not end the day by the time that timer reaches zero, then the ship will get attacked and one living player of the host’s choice will die, the day will continue with a new timer that could lead to a second attack on the same day if the day isn’t ended fast enough, et cetera. Like I said, the hosts have no power to end the day phase.

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  • Can multiple players be nominated at the same time, or does the one who gets nominated first have to obtain enough votes to be put in an airlock in the first place?
  • Will votes be locked in a certain unorthodox way like the normal BotF?

Do ghosts only have 1 vote in this matter as well? If not, and every ghost need to vote to go to warp phase, wouldn’t this mean that the game can end through an infinite loop of attacks if the ghosts go MIA?

Yes, multiple players may be nominated at the same time. No to the second question; they do not need to happen one at a time.

I was thinking about using the BotF vote locking system, but we don’t have to; let me know your thoughts.

If ghosts were a part of this vote, it would not count for the ghost vote and yeah the game could end like that if enough of them went slanking. I could be brutal with force replacing slanking ghosts, but i learned from experience that’s just the way things go in BotF (and really ghosts shouldn’t have to do that much before lategame if they don’t want to), so I’ll change it to some percentage of living players only. Let me know what percentage you think would be best there.

I kind of like 80% again. Def should be higher than 67% so that in an F3 with two Evil and one Good, the evils can’t just hammer a no lynch.
But then again evils could just wait and not let the day end either cuz that would be optimal

How about this: Some percentage of living players (help me determine what the percentage should be please), rounded up.

Dead players get one each of two different kind of dead votes: One for airlock and one for warp.

if anyone has any other idea how to make this work the best, pls LMK

I am fine with BotF system.

Why can’t you have the ghosts only vote for airlock while leaving the warp votes for the living players only if you fear that the ghosts won’t vote for warp phase?

Read the next post @Zone_Q11; i addressed this i think

If this is the case, then 50% rounded up will do the trick as always, right?

…I am really wondering why warp votes is even a thing. Forum Games are not time-sensitive unless it’s a Turbo, so setting up a deadline is much easier than forcing everyone to vote for a warp.

It’s not like anyone wants to stay in day phase anyways since anyone could be killed if they fail to reach the votes for warp phase, so I really wonder why the warp votes exist.

The attack timer is the deadline; er to say it’s the form of day-based deadline tension that exists in this game instead of the standard host-mandated, set EoD time that exists in BotF.

We’ll be fair with the attack timers. They shouldn’t be too far off from the length of a normal BotF day I think. I’ll talk to eevee about this.

It’s this way b/c that’s the canonical way. Read the rules PDF if u dont believe me.

Half of all living players rounded up, with each dead player getting one ghost vote for warp and one for airlock, sounds good. That’s prevents evils from cheesing the game when they have plurality or better and fixes all other issues i think, so that’s what i’ll go with.

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OP updated a bit; check for the changes if you’d like.

I don’t need to check to believe you.
It’s just that it doesn’t make sense to me.

I know it might not make sense from a standard FM player mechanical perspective

But it does from a lore perspective

The game is on a ship in space. There’s no sun. The ship is making progress towards a secret destination. Therefore, the only way to distinguish between day and night lore wise is by warping the ship ahead. And lore-wise, only those that operate the ship (the players) have the power to warp the ship. The computer (the hosts) does not have this power.

Mmn… Fair. At least my personal issue with the votes will be fixed if the system works the same as BotF.

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Do you want warp votes to follow the BotF locking system as well as airlocking votes? If so, we’ll do that. The end of the locking mechanism would always be the last seat numerically there, instead of the nominee.

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