[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

you cannot hide murder weapons in your dorms, even if the room is adjacent
i asked alice about this for reasons™

how do u know?

Because I went to the dorms earlier to check if Sulit was there, I would’ve seen Uni there.

And yes I was checking the dorms and was literally told ‘Sulit isn’t in her dorm’

That’s why on my map earlier, the Dorms were crossed off.

Doeesnt mean he could have went another time, u said u explored every area

that leaves so much time

If you are dead Tomorrow, I will GLADLY be blamed for your death.
I can’t believe you are on the same level of dislikability as Jane and sulit, but you apparently are.

I put my shit in my dorm a while ago

I said I explored the following rooms:

Female Rooms are question marked since I’m not a female and I was hunting for Sulit lol

Zone, all im asking is for yall to at least consider a seperate world. TBH i think sulit did it, most evidence points to her, but like if u think about it, theres no point in not pushing for evidence we have 36 hours. and u threatening me, its childish come near me, i will not be afraid to use self defense

why were you checking the male rooms then

Dude, we ARE considering it.

We’re just telling you that it’s not plausible.

I didn’t, I crossed them off since I asked Alice if I could check female rooms during the Investigation (Since Females wouldn’t be able to check Males), instead she called me a perv so that was a mission failed.



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Anyway, @Universal if you don’t mind me asking, where were you during the Investigation?

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exactly what i wanted to know

Oh wait he already said.

I did consider it, and then threw it away because it was VERY improbable. End of story.

YES, what I said was very childish.
NO, I did not regret what I said.
NO, I will not come and get you; I will let OTHERS kill you while I will take the blame.
Don’t be worried for me; be worried for OTHERS. (Though, in all honesty, I doubt the next killer will actually kill you out of all people.)