[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Actually yeah they would know nvm ignore me.

Ask Alice then, just make sure


Wait no, wrong timestamp.

Nice. I won the best, CRich.


  • 15.13 - Universal saw sulit heading toward West Commons
  • 16.02 - BDA at GDR by Jane when burning trash
  • 16.07 - sulit returned and left to GDR

There is an hour time gap.

can u ask if u remember what direction she was coming. As like if she was at the pool like she claims she has two routes so I want to know which way she came


Ok, I asked Alice

By the way…Am I the only one wondering how Kyo was overpowered?

in my time at least there is a one minute difference between the Ding, Dong of finding the body and Uni seeing sulit go from West Commons to cafeteria

cause if he saw her coming from the red route she would have traveled past kyo, and but also be able to see into west commons. If he saw her coming green then she didnt go towards kyodaz and would she her walk past

Probably. I don’t think anyone else asked this?

which one was ding dong, the trash or kicking out from dorms


most likely because of fatigue

Kyo never moved from the GDR though.


That’s how Sulit found their location.

Everything is pointing to Sulit at this point…I really just want to vote but I still want to hear things out.

Uh… Power of AFK?
I dunno. I’d rather question his lower body wounds; where did he even fall from?
Was that caused because of the Garbage Disposal Machine?

hunger decreases by 20% every 12 hours
12, 24, 36, 48, 60
that’s 0 AP and 0 MP