[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

It’s mostly just

“No u”
“No u!”
“No u”

Aye. ~600 posts within 3 hours.
Lot of pain in the rear to catch up.
Good luck.

Good thing we have that problem solved.

–by the way Wazza, I hope you understand that there was NO FIGHT in the A/V Room?

I have understood that for the entire day…

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Good. I never heard confirmation on that, so… I re-told that just in case you didn’t know.

@Vulgard could you please vote sulit once you’re done with backreading?

Bored Jane noises

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Tired Wazza noises because he has no clue what sleep is clearly

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@DatBird I totally would answer your question right now but I’m unable because my computer is broken





“I do hope we are right. If we are not then there likely will be an issue…” Akari looked towards [Sulit] “How are you feeling? Surely you dislike our conclusion.”

(Whenever things are working feel free to respond.)

hey PKR you can help with Steve after we’re done here right?

/vote sulit @Alice


Walked to the A/V room and asked if the tablet was still there, it wasn’t

After that I headed to the nurses office and saw Vulgard/PKR there.

Then I tried to go to my dorm and grab my katana after the announcement was made but it was locked and I couldn’t get it

So I went to the pool instead and grabbed a noodle, sat there for a bit, and then I went back to the A/V room

Then I climbed into one of the A/V room desks and sat in there for a while then went to the cafeteria.

i don’t really care

all my abilities and weapons are outted so even if i live past this im basically fucked for the rest of the game

how’s everyone confirmed?

can’t one of the duos like confirm eachother but be

teaming up or something?

can I get confirmation from you that you will examine the body when we’re done w/ trial @PokemonKidRyan?

“I suppose I can try”

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Blackened Voters Votes
Sulit ZoneQ11, Wazza, CRich, Italy, Geyde, Marshal, Jane, PokemonKidRyan, Moleland, Apprentice 10/14
Undecided DatBird, Sulit, Universal, Vulgard, Gorta 5
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if its uni I will be so crushed


it’s not



Why would they ever team up?

Kurokawa Yoshiko