[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End


alternate wincons?

to get some sort of advantage from the other player?


its not me and i dont think uni did it

Well, it’s either you or her though.


“Everyone else has an alibi, I believe. Also, even if someone helps a blackened, they do not get a benefit, so it is illogical to think people would work together.”

(Unless it is the Mastermind and a Blackened but much too early for case 1

if the Mastermind wants to out to me so we can work together for murder hmu

they can give the other person their stuff or information



imma play tos

(Lmao I am doing ToS atm too

Why’d u climb into a desk? And why did u head to the cafeteria and back

to hide


We have a sighting of you going from the west commons area (right next to av) to cafeteria and back. Why’d u head back

Basically atp we need u to speak. And explain everything cause like atm all evidence points to you. So if ur innocent u need to explain everything

I might be just conf biasing super hard here, but isn’t this a perspective slip? If sulit is innocent she can’t die here

Am still confused

U know how u said u went to cafeteria. Well we have a sighting of u going to said cafeteria and then back in the direction of west commons which is the lead way to the av room and the gdr

(But it also looks like a slip from the other side >.> By saying “If I live past this” it seems like Sulit might not be able to escape and knows the game will go on either way.

I thought I died if I was lynched

What time?

@sulit here are all times according to u and uni

Ignore the today’s as they were yesterday

So I ask u