[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

where’s my cake :frowning:

Didn’t you get it? I think I’ll need to make a new chocolate cake.

…I am missing some puzzle pieces, but I have a suspect on who the mastermind could be.
…and no, it is not the 16th Subject.

I think we just need to wait for Alice to register the actions.

ok imma nom on the air while I wait.

I’m pretty sure there is only 1 slice of chocolate cake left at most.

Depends on how many slices there were to begin with, and how many you have actually given.
I know you offered me once during the early D1, but I politely refused that one and never got any official offers ever since.

try to kill them :wink:

It’s 4 slices of chocolate cake to start with.

How about NO? I still want to do some stuff (mainly solving puzzles and finding lore) before I either end myself or the mastermind.

Uh… to whom did you offer the slices?

By the way everyone, you might want to eat food once Alice comes back.
Unless you want to start with 0% Hunger Bar.

big text reeee

You and Wazza.

In that case you should still have them all.
(Unless Alice somehow counts my refusal as “me throwing the slice of cake away” …which I doubt will happen.)

I also tried to offer a slice to Vulgard, though they left before seeing it.

“Ah… Yui is very shy. She is a very nice girl when you get to know her but it takes time.”

i’ll take some cake too

does it have any benefit or does it just taste good?

i’m eating food before I do. I’ll make it my desert.


“Let’s all have a party for winning our first trial.”


i’m pretty sure it gives you energy and restores hunger
because that’s literally how sugary food works