[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

“Wait what the hell- I was just in the Nurse’s Office, hold on I might have the antidote.”
(If Alice processes that)

“Do not use anything! Let me look at it first.”

I don’t believe you
if i were poisoned wouldn’t i just be… dead

“Sure thing.”
I’d show you it…If my action was processed, but Alice isn’t here

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“You are poisoned sir. Do you have any problems seeing? Any pains? Any symptoms at all are good to know.”

nothing really, I just felt kind of dizzy earlier.

“To be fair, you seem insane, Ms. Ito (PKR). Mr. Masuda (Marshal) has been here the entire time, so unless the Cafeteria food was poisoned by Ms. Miura (Zone), there’s no chance that the food is poisoned since they were in the Kitchen when I last checked.”

“That could easily be an effect of the poison… oh dear… oh no no NO!” Akari was seeming gradually more and more frantic. “Did you eat or drink anything weird?”

I was the first to eat the cafeteria food, and then I also had some cake

the cafeteria food didn’t taste very good and the cake tasted fine

it could just be from overeating

you still haven’t answered how exactly you are sure i’ve been poisoned

“With all due respect sir, I am a professional, I can guarantee that our friend here is poisoned. I… performed a check up on him as soon as I entered.”


well i’m not going anywhere, tbh I don’t trust you much at all on this matter

if you want to bring antidotes to shit or something, as long as they won’t harm me, that’s cool

but I like my seat here

“Fine then, we will all leave you alone and you can just die. Is that what you want? Not trusting me here is basically an act of suicide.” Akari’s worry seemed to turn to anger, her voice being slightly bitter as she spoke

“First that one girl accuses me of maybe being a mastermind and lying about my autopsy of Satoshi… now you, the person who is poisoned say you do not trust me? How much tragedy has to strike before you listen to a person from a medical sector…?”

I mean can’t you just bring whatever antidote you want… into here?

“I would rather not be risking my life. Did you forget that bear’s motive? If someone dies in here after a day then whoever killed them would be able to leave. That explains why you are not yet dead, as if you were poisoned, your death might be delayed… poisons do have a variety of effects, you know?”

The anger subsided temporarily, she had to try and stay calm, to explain things and establish what could have happened. “I need to know when you started to feel ill…”

I ate the food and the cake right after.

a few minutes after, I felt dizzy.

yes but it’s not that time yet

so I see no reason for you to be so scared of going to the medical office and back here really quickly

it feels like you are going to lure me to the medical office

maybe give me an “antidote” of sorts that kills me

shit if that is your plan I deserve 15 post game credits

“I said WHEN did you eat it and feel ill. Not as in succession but what time?”

I ate both Exacly 3 hours ago, and felt dizzy a few minutes later

“If I am correct on which poison might have been used… you have an hour to live. If I am not correct then that is a bigger problem because I do not know where the other antidote would be.”

you know what? I trust you. I don’t think you would just murder me in the nurse’s office because then everyone would know and I don’t think ur the MM anymore

So fine

i’ll go with you

you better not screw me over though