[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Mole enters the cafeteria.

What the hell?

Marshal enters the cafeteria.

Okay. So let me recap this **** from my POV.
I was about to sleep, so I wanted to use my ability to check my vicinity (and I wanted to check the A/V Room as well). THIS is what I planned to do before I sleep IRL.

I saw Universal before the Cafeteria.
I saw Mole and PKR going to Mole’s Dorm.
I saw Italy going to his dorm.

me and geyde were in the biolab trying to see if we could get the lights back on

I’m really sick feeling, but he has bandages on him


he is not dead yet

that is my message

I am going to head back now

/use wazzas bandages on wazza

Then I went to North Commons and saw Wazza, after getting notified that there was a scream coming from the Warehouse.
I ASKED ALICE where Wazza came from: She said he came from the East.

Then I saw Mole and PKR rushing to the Warehouse.
Then Wazza left the North Commons.
Then I WENT to the Warehouse.

don’t let him die

I don’t have much more energy for this just

someone should bandage him and asap.preferably pkr with his medical knoweldge


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DatBird removes the bandages from Wazza and use it to patch his stab wound up.

Remember this PLAN? Well, I DID IT. I used my ability before the I heard the scream; before I got the North Commons PM:

PKR arrives at the cafeteria.

Was that note a diversion/trap?

Marshal leaves the cafeteria.

“I hope not… or else we likely have another body to find. I have yet to find a damn antidote and I have searched so many places so by now I assume a wannabe blackened has it on them.”

(Also FWIW, I am in a Doctors Outfit

im in a gi :slight_smile:

/hold pressure on the wound to try and stop any more bleeding while listening for a heartbeat

I’m waiting for the ding ding ding dong

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