[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

metal slug machine

…then it’s just App, isn’t it?
He beat the Metal Slug high score.

arcade machine in the rec room

Oh gee, what a surprise, Apprentice, who had the fucking murder weapon also found the needle.

Rec Room. Third and newest arcade.

it wasn’t their during phase 1

we know

app being murderer would be weeeeeeird
he was super solvey when with dat and me

Wait. The machine appeared after the last trial?

It would be weird, but everything just fits the bill at the moment.

That’s not that hard when there’s only one evil and barely any evidence except for someone literally being seen with the murder weapon.

Yeah. The third arcade was new.

it was a medium poison
wasn’t marshal infected with a weak poison


Hmm. Then even if the needle was hidden there, did app have time to find it and attack our victim?

Has anyone checked their slots? Do they still have the poison?

Dunno what “medium” and “weak” means, but PKR said it should’ve been a poison which kills people after 18 hours. Does that look “weak” to you?

It’s relative since we’re in a killing game

Hidden? What about winning it like how Geyde won a prize for beating Pac-Man and Donkey Kong?

I’m going to sleep
also may be online for a while longer