[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

“Since you was… watching me, the only food I ever touched was the chocolate in the pantry. I believe our Ultimate Chocolatier used that for the cakes, so if I had poisoned the chocolate, it would be them who ended up killing… Yet, I did nothing of the sort, you see, I had chocolate cake myself and ate it willingly so of course it was safe to consume!”

I think I’m just going to ignore whatever bullshit you’re going to spout from this point on.

The flowchart is a series of logical deductions.

The second one doesnt even conclude lol.

If Italy hasn’t messed up. It’s gotta be App

Yes, a series of logical deductions that just so happens to not mention that I never went to the Rec Room.

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“Actually… someone said you probably did not go there, it is still a possibility.”

I don’t know who did or did not go there. I was just isolating people who had time to do so

zone was still there when i left
they’d probably have called jane out by now

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“Didn’t Takumi’s journal say that PKR wasn’t to blame…?”

Jane was the person who suggested Marshal was poisoned, correct?

Yes, I was.

Guys, I think there’s one thing that tells me that CRich is the killer.

“I have paper from the victim corroborating my innocence Yui.” Akari smiled

This should be fun

(The chocolate cake thing I am guessing…

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It’s the fact he promised both me, Marshal and Zone cake, but only Marshal actually received the cake in the end. And after eating the cake and drinking the water (Which was claimed to be the source of it all), Marshal was poisoned.

Yes but with a bit more sprinkled on.

@Zone_Q11 to the best of your knowledge, did Jane go to the rec room before Marshal was taken ill?

“I… received a slice of cake and ate it. Oh no, am I poisoned? I need to do a self check up.”

leon is the killer

(I am literally checking out whether or not I am poisoned now. Oh fuck oh dear…