[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

You find anything interesting Zone?

Not gonna lie. Not really impressed.
I guess there really isn’t much to do for now.

Nope. Nothing noteworthy.

Want to join me in making the school into the North Pole then?

I will have to pass on that. Maybe after I am done visiting the Dojo tomorrow though.

Alright. Well I am going to finish off some work if the game doesn’t seem like it can progress much

no way in hell i’m even going near the dojo tomorrow
zone is trying to make it so clear that he’s going to the dojo i’ll almost definitely either be walking in on a murder, or become the murder

hmm he seemed like he was going there second, i have been saying since the beginning i was headed there

it was either you or zone
either way i ain’t going near it

well im going there, feel free to drop by. More so trying to make it a place of friends

Zone, you’re back, nice.

i think i’d rather feel very very trapped

eh whatever my dude. Just trying to be friends.

This is fine.

We have yet to hear anything from Jane, Ami and Vulgard. Let us wait for those three in the meantime.

Wazza whispers to Zone.

Apprentice whispers to DatBird.

Yes. Fortunately, I was not knocked unconscious.

Zone whispers to Wazza.

/w vulgard hey vul i’m the mastermind you should kill italy it’s a really good idea


DatBird responds to Apprentice.