[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

“No. You tried to accuse Mr. Hagimoto (CRich) and me to be the main suspects, based off Mr. Masuda’s journal.”

“That’s why I was so mad at you; because you are not even up to date with our current state.”

“Miss, please… just leave my friend alone now. This killing game is not easy on any of us, I would rather her be able to find some way to escape it in her mind… that is for the best.”

“I’m saying they… never mind…” She withdraws into herself again. “…Don’t talk like that, Akari…”

…didn’t you literally say in the Chem Lab that the bottle Marshal dropped was the antidote?

Didn’t that same liquid get mopped up by Italy and his shirt, and then put into a beaker which is now on top of a random desk in the Chem Lab?

“I said many many times that it was not the antidote. Do not try and twist my words and make me seem negligent! I did what I could do!”

When did you say that?

“It was an anti venom and I did specify it. There was also venom inside the Chemistry Lab, as I explained, the one which can kill within four hours. The anti venom is for the venom.”

“We were looking for an antidote to a completely different poison based off the kill time. I did also explain this during my autopsy, miss.”

…are you sure?

“I am sorry Yui, I just… know what could easily happen. Be strong, be safe. I never want anything bad to happen to you. Whoever poisoned our friend, deserves the outcome.” She lightly smiled “I just… want to be a professional and help. Whoever made that announcement before, we will not succumb to despair.”

(I double checked, Zone. I specifically had noted down the exact contents of the anti venom and venom and I had them in my notes, which I showed and none of it had been used. Therefore, they were for each other. The Venom in the Chem Lab is countered by the Anti Venom in the Chem Lab.)

I feel like you didn’t explain that in your autopsy, but I think I might just be bad at remembering.

Anyhow, are we to assume that there is no known cure for the “18 hour poison” then?

“Either that, or the poisoner had taken it and disposed of it somehow… perhaps they still have it on them if we have not checked what each other has”

Okay… what about the poison App had? Do we know where that came from? He explored quite a lot of rooms after all. Who knows where it could come from?

“I have no idea, I thought I was the first person in the Chemistry Laboratory, however… our… stabby friend confirmed that was not the case.”

“If you still had that poison I could analyse the qualities of it. See if it matches up with the time.”

When it comes to Daily Life 2, we might be the first. But when it comes to Daily Life 1…

Well, not even I am sure who got there first.

I don’t have it. Geyde said App had it during the First Class Trial. Dunno if App still has it now.

If he doesn’t though, then that would be damning for his execution.

“If she does have it, she will hand it over for immediate examination. I will not even touch it, leave it on my stand and I can examine it to determine the chemical properties such as the time it takes to kill.”

Wasn’t the needle in the new slot machine according to Mole?

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