[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

We’ll see who the real mastermind is when you rally everyone to vote someone purely because they have good stats

I would be typing a sarcastic response mocking you
but I can just post BOOK and clear myself off of it

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and u dont have 4 abilities like everyone else which is bs, u dont have much of an alibi at all, and u been mr pointy fingers

“Excuse me…” Akari quietly spoke up. “I believe she is innocent. As I said, she made me more powerful… I doubt that the culprit nor the mastermind would do this.”

you’ve also been, despite your god stats, not fucking investigating

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Prove my logic wrong and I’ll consider it. But all you are going is “No.”


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the mastermind would surely do this, make her pawns stronger

same as u bud, thats been ur whole attitude in both trials

“Miss, I know we had not been too friendly with each other before… but I do not think I am willing to vote you unless literally everyone else does. I truly believe in your innocence.”

You guys never invited me along so I opted to protect myself chapter 1.

Chapter 2 I was trying to make friends so I could join a group but Marshal died so fast I never got time to

If you’re the blackened
I will reach through that screen an blacken your monitor

and how do u think me and geyde feel about app.

CRich and Jane are both cleared. CRich never left the cafeteria to be able to inject Marshal (and injection can’t have taken place in cafeteria since murder weapons can only travel 1 room max before being disposed of). Uni said Jane is cleared because their fingerprints weren’t on the syringe.

who’s fingerprints were on the syringe

I don’t have an ability to move invisibly

which still doesnt make sense, when we dont have a finger print scanner

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But that was before re-stock.

yes it was

ok and i never said u havent, all i said is no ones seen u at all, and the only time frame we have u is the app in warehouse hours, the time ur in cafeteria, and from ur dorm when zone and pkr mentioned it