[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Maybe Marshal injected himself with the accelerant thinking it was the anecdote, kinda like yoloing it?

if someone injected Marshal for shits and giggles I will end them (but yes since when I searched for things related to the murder I found the syringe)

Does anyone know who visited Marshal in his room?

I think just dat

Was that when he was discovered dead?

pkr is the one who took him there

dat was with me and app when door opened

So Dat visited a previous time?

iirc yes

if he wasn’t injected in the cafeteria pkr would have to be the killer since marshal was apparently injected twice

I’ll ask with more clarification
“would everyone know if somebody tried to inject marshal discretely”

Let’s discard all assumptions.

Could Marshal have died to anything other than poison?

I did and Alice said everyone including the victim would know

Marshal I stg if you injected yourself for the memes

Marshal, as the ultimate mystery novelist, could have alt wincon to win a trial with themselves as the blackened and the victim

based on current evidence

I consider this near bullshit though unless it’s very restricted

Hold up. What if… What if he wasn’t poisoned in but drugged? Wasn’t there a sedative in the chem lab? Then they could get him in his room?

pretty sure you still win if you don’t get caught committing suicide so this’d be a pretty dumb alt wincon

It’s dumb, but is it above the current state of the game?