[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

(Just because I looked back on a few messages, we can be almost guaranteed Marshal was poisoned first in the cafeteria. This would be by food, water, chocolate cake or an injection. It was not until Jane said about poison that I checked, this is confirmed by me coming back, telling Marshal he was poisoned and getting a crew to come with.

Marshal/PKR poe for needle man

geyde when did I visit marshal before?

(Are you asking me for poe or saying I am poe. Marshal literally said it is not me.

I remember someone saying that Dat visited Marshal’s room before his death

Why did Marshal even drink the water?

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Hold up.

No that’s wrong

What if Marshal was pretending to be poisoned at that point?

that was bs then, i was with u

Needle use does not necessarily mean killer

(I fucking used an ability he was poisoned.

You found that out in the canteen?

(Then if I am not the killer, why would I say I did not use a needle? >.>

(Yes. I said this god knows how many times now. Holy fuck

it’s either apprentice, pkr, or marshal pulling the ultimate power move

(I literally have an outright alibi in the form of the victim himself. So it is either him or Apprentice

If Marshal drank the water and it was vinegar, then injected himself with the accelerant thinking it was an anecdote, I will be hopeless.

this is very shortsighted as Marshal could’ve just been intercepted

but if you think it’s me or Marshal just vote for me since Marshal is ya know dead

(The vinegar thing is in the Chem Lab, this is not the water he drank.

Because you were afraid that you killed him and are not sure if you are actually the blackened