[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Officer Zone, looks like we got a lead

(I’m kind of teasing with you. In Japan, calling each other out by their first names show that you are either a family member, or very close friends. Then again, I can’t blame you either, since in-game Jane was the one who gave his character’s first name rather than his family name.)

Oh really now? It must be not important then. If that lead was important, then you would’ve posted it immediately instead of only saying “we got a lead.”

Its because that it’s important that I said we got a lead. Very top secret stuff going on. Also can I be Officer Polar? Or Detective Polar?

Commissioner Polar :open_mouth:

(I’m actually aware! I’ve roleplayed in DR settings for over 2 years now, I’m familiar enough with relatively basic Japan-related stuff like that. She’s just embarrassed and tries to find bad excuses.)

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Sure. If this lead is so “secret,” then what do you want me to do? Follow you to your room?
Also, you can be whatever you want. It’s not as if there’s any law that will hold you down in an isolated school anyway.

But later on when we get closer to the truth it’ll be way more fun. Like “Stop in the name of the law!” And no, the lead I found is this:

A now half-empty canister that was previously filled with cookies before I went to sleep last night on the living room floor!

…? What kind of lead is this?

So are we all keeping our talents hidden?

…well I don’t know about you guys, but I plan to not tell it in public until at least when Deadly Life 1 starts. (Not Daily, but Deadly Life 1.)

Sorry for being a paranoid in advance.

The only one awake last night was my sister! What’s more she was the one in the living room bing watching shows. This is type of lead can finally lead to the right justice @Zone_Q11. Very important.

“…I see. Keep up the good work,” Miura said with a wry smile.

Who’s Miura?

Himself I’m guessing

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Oh, like real name…?

Wait no, its RP. Nevermind. Its early in the morning, I am still half-asleep.


Your dorm is open

Can you not just roam the hallways or something?

Doesn’t family name go first in Japan?

Since we are in the Prologue, this game is mainly about bias and favoritism. My belief has not changed in the slightest bit. My biases however, have.

…for starters though, I wish that the two people who didn’t talk much (i.e. @Ami and @PokemonKidRyan), would talk more.