[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

What would that be?

Except, I can’t have poisoned Marshal either.

Let’s theorycraft

(Zone, please make a case on me, go on.

I was at the rec room from 2020-07-28T22:54:00Z

enjoy this song, as we all calm down

If I knew that then it wouldn’t be missing.

Did you find the needle there?

Since my ability told me that the needle originated from there.

I found two spots it could be hidden there

Nope. I have had it, really. This is an incomplete Class Trial since all information is not present.

In other words, as long as there is no mutual consent, everyone -myself included- is a possible culprit. …and I simply choose to believe that PKR is the culprit.


I could either check your posts… or simply be petty because nobody reads mine.

…I choose the latter.

well if ur not trying im going back to marshal

/vote Marshal

(I read your posts and that is why I am getting so annoyed that I am turning to drink.
As your posts are not making sense.


Monokuma. I believe that a recess is in order to discover the nature of the bottle that was in the fridge earlier.

It would make the trial more interesting after all


Jane mentioned “maybe you are poisoned” while you outright said “you are definitely poisoned”.

There is a difference between “maybe” and “definitely”.

(S)He’s a fucking doctor

Currently there’s no debate
Maybe more factors could make it more interesting

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(…welp. I got nothing to confirm, nor deny that.)

(And I took you, Italy and Wazza to the Chem lab to look for an antidote. And I was alone with him for 5 minutes. Is that enough time to poison him, bring up accelerant (Which may I add is not in my slots and was found nowhere), insert that, draw out enough liquid to re jab him, get confirmation, multiple times from him of being innocent and come back