[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

You know…Marshal’s journal can be fake you know.

Specifically faked by Jane, the Ultimate Journalist.

Just feel like I should add that onto the case a bit.

I just remembered something
jane has no fingerprints on the syringe apparently



Hate is but a moment. Nobody but Greek Gods can truly hate someone or something forever.

I am asking you, if you care about yourself, to keep letting me be a fool, and hunt the “true” Blackened without me.

how would Jane even get to Marshal

Speaking of this, what about App’s naginata?

My abilities are
Autopsy, you know what it is.
Check up, see whether or not someone is poisoned or deceased in the same room as you
Pharmacology, my passive, I can identify any chemical, when this comes to poisons, venoms or any other killing liquid, I know the lethality.
Contamination Examination, I can see whether anything is contaminated when I eat it. Basically protecting me from poisoned food, but I need to use it first as like an ability “Is this poisoned?” if not then I eat it.

Ah… erm. I am kind of behind, so if you happen to read my long counter-post: bear in mind that I didn’t read Geyde’s post yet at that time.

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Okay, so it’s “public for every player except two players”?

Spicy as FUCK

I did see you going from the art and music room to the A/V room earlier

I was helping my dad repair the tv today, so that’s why I was quiet

Give me a few hours and I will, I am getting food soon

What? What would Marshal’s motive be?

I don’t know how to help you. I did a bit more than I did yesterday, but not much. Tomorrow I want to explore more and do more stuff (maybe I won’t be working on a tv then)

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I’m going to go with a bold strategy
Vulgard’s behavior during this trial was god awful
Mole’s though?
Not blackened material

(I… really do not want it to be Vul

You can’t deny that they’ve been very pushy and…not very on the table

(You are right. Fuck. Errrr… can we like… compare this to Vuls recent FM game. See any similarities or differences.

Sure. @Italy, did you notice whether any bottles were added or removed at the Chem Lab?

@Geyde, I have yet to hear your response.

Hm… If I were to suddenly drop my case on you, where would that leave the PoE?

(With the list we are like… discussing… rn

Jane - Ultimate Journalist - Suspicions: Water Bottle, Talent, Marshal’s Journal.
Marshal - Ultimate Mystery Novelist - Suspicions: Had no knowledge of being poisoned, not really many suspects, stayed in the Cafeteria.
CRichard - Ultimate Chocolatier - Suspicions: Existing, Marshal ate Cake, Me and Zone did not receive cake.
Moleland - Ultimate Tailor - Suspicions: None, just hasn’t got an alibi.
Vulgard - Ultimate Mangaka - Suspicions: None, just hasn’t got an alibi.