[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

We’ve already stated. Pay attention, please.

/vote Jane

No, you have not.
The only other reasoning I could find was “the very fact Marshal had a journal,” which doesn’t make sense since the content of said journal is something only Marshal could have known.

he was in kitchen to ‘empty trash’ and confirmed got a water bottle from fridge

I don’t fully agree with this stuff

(Marshal felt ill after having water. The fact that Janes reaction to being questioned about the water bottle and me saying to hand it, was to so nonchalantly do so, suggests that Jane knew it was fine and that was due to having perhaps swapped out poisoned water that they prepared for another one in their investory.

Did he state this in Marshal’s Dorm PM?
Otherwise, I’d like to see where this was stated.

How is this suspicious at all when I still see him have the water bottle as we speak?

The trash was never actually emptied either…

when would they have done the swap

I had to throw it away myself.

(When they “were going to throw out the trash” or something

(Or like… this chapter too, since Jane had been in there iirc

that’s because they discovered the body

jane also couldn’t have gotten poison from night in chemistry lab
he would have run into marshal/italy

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So… it’s App then?

the dominoes don’t stack up well here

Stop accusing App when we still got Richard

(No… I think it would be Marshal then but like wtf does he do suicide for unless it is his alt wincon

Why are you protecting App, and how would CRich be able to get the poison?

there was about a two hour window where jane could have gotten it, and it would require there be a bottle of poison in a student’s desk for no explainable reason

(I mean… there were 5 desks or something right. So I dunno. I did not check any of them out. I went to the juicy bit, the chemicals… because of my pharmacology passive.