[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I’m the Ultimate Chocolatier. I wonder which character I am.

Teruteru but not a perv,
Or Ruruka from the anime.

Hmm ok.
I’ll look them up on the wiki another time.

Ruruka probably.

We need to begin voting. My top suspects now are Jane and Mole.

I will be voting Jane though.

/vote Jane


I made my case on Jane and the fact we have proof they’ve been to the Rec Room.

There’s alcohol in the chem lab, right?


I am thinking that Jane killed Marshal. He got rid of the evidence using distilled water and alcohol on the needle. Thus, any finger prints on that was his would be gone.

im fine with this /vote Jane

July 27th at 6:34 pm Central

and a damn fine one at that

Anyway, hello Gorta.

I suppose Jane is getting voted out here.


(If you haven’t played this when you were younger, then you had no childhood.)

(I was -11 years old when it came out, what did you expect)

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that’s the “easy version” of metal slug 2

Wow you existed for 11 years before you were born LUL.