[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

just a heads up I’m gonna be heckin mad if PKR drops dead immediately from poison after the trial


No, I had it earlier on before I started investigating Marshals death. Last chapter I gained AP from it. But… the bottle… was full when I drank from it this chapter.

I am gonna be hecking mad too. Which is why I want to end this trial.

Kinda need a squad to roll out with me for an antidote.

Maybe it cures poisoned ppl and poisons healthy ppl?

I mean, if you’re already poisoned, it can’t hurt to drink from the bottle again, right?

Kinda need the trial to end then I can run to my room to check it

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@Italy @Wazza @Universal @Geyde @CRichard564 @Moleland @Vulgard @an_gorta_pratai

Time has come to vote and lock

Vote Marshal

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(I errr… just found out an issue about this. Gonna message

/vote Marshal Lock

I kinda highkey don’t think he did it, but I want things to conclude and no idea how he got injected otherwise

I’m still between him and jane atm. But if we need to hammer I’m here just @ me

Dude, to hammer we need to wait for like… quite a few people yet.
I do not think Jane could have done it.
The tone was a bit off at one point, but I think it was genuine annoyance.

Blackened Locked Voters Votes
Apprentice ZoneQ11 1/12
Marshal Jane, PKR, Apprentice 3/12
Undecided DatBird, Universal, Gorta, Wazza, CRich, Italy, Geyde, Moleland, Vulgard 9

we need 4 votes to hammer so not that many

just Dat+3 if we really want to move on to get you help asap

/lockVote Marshal

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Lock it!

(you gotta lock it)

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3 more people, 2 and Dat…

Blackened Locked Voters Votes
Apprentice ZoneQ11 1/7
Marshal Jane, PKR, Apprentice, Moleland 4/7
Undecided DatBird, Universal, Gorta, Wazza, CRich, Italy, Geyde, Vulgard 8

Seven locked votes in total are required to end this trial.

oh only 2 more