[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Can someone like come online then.
Literally anyone…

/lock vote Marshal

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No, I think it is that each wagon needs 7.
So 3 more.
2 and Dat

sounds like we just need one more


I am so confused.

ftr I think killer just won, but I have no idea how to find them w/ so little evidence

Just vote Marshal and lock it.
We need trial to end

Poison is so broken

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Ok, if you say so…

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PKR is poisoned so we’re trying to end the trial so we can get him an antidote. I don’t know how Marshal was possibly injected by anyone tbh. I lowkey think it might be PKR now with how pushy he’s being but meh

/vote lock Marshal

PKR wonnered

I was the murderer the entire time!

Read my file again dude lmao


idk who did it tho

Yeah but I am like healing gal

Blackened Locked Voters Votes
Apprentice ZoneQ11 1/7
Marshal Jane, PKR, Apprentice, Moleland, DatBird, Universal 6/7
Undecided Gorta, Wazza, CRich, Italy, Geyde, Vulgard 6

Seven locked votes in total are required to end this trial.

Uni shush we all know ur the mm