[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

@Jane, Alice didn’t write that I returned at 2020-07-30T20:48:00Z, but I did.
–when did you leave the Cafeteria?

For the record, I did not see Universal at the Pool nor Laundry Room, so unless he drowned himself in the Male Bathroom, then he should not be dying any time soon.

By the way, App’s and my walkie-talkie suddenly got statics at 2020-07-30T20:25:00Z, so regardless of whether it was Mole who did this, or whether the walkie-talkie simply failed on us; it is not usable anymore.

How? The Pool was drained in CH2, according to Wazza.

At 2020-07-30T19:14:00Z.

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…wait a minute. Did App’s walkie-talkie broke or something?

Dunno, but Alice definitely said that I swam at the Pool and that I didn’t see anyone else in the water.
Maybe it got refilled or something while the Second Class Trial took place.

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Are you sure they’re alive? What if it broke when someone murdered them?

…meh. I dunno.
Anyhow, I did my part of the work.
I already took a shower, so I will keep staying in my dorm for the entirety of this Chapter.
I kinda already explored every non-Dorm room anyway.

Dunno. Don’t care. If App were to be murdered, then Dat would’ve either noticed it… or died along with App. In either case, I don’t plan to care about those two.

I’m probably just going to stay here. I see no reason to go to my dorm if Italy and the gang are going to steal all my items anyway.

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Smoke comes from the kitchen.

NOTE: Zone left the cafeteria around 25-30 mins ago.

Uhm… okay?

Well, not my problem.

Actually, people are probably going to be even more biased against me, so I might aswell check it out.

Oven was causing the smoke.

A message was written on the wall with Juice:

“Lol. Wazza is dead.”

… This was Geyde, wasn’t it?

Eh what’s that? I wasn’t the killer?
Imagine my surprise.


Note: Need to go for a few. Will be back later to process results.

Also I see we’ve been had and PKR won.
Nice work PKR winning like that.

mole’s just gonna hole himself up in his dorm for the next 36 hours
too bad there is an invisible force preventing me from just breaking down the door