[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I don’t know your time zone
I need to double check something

In that case, hurry and get to the point where we choose whether it’s Wazza or Jane, because I am ROOTING for the Blackened to be Wazza himself.


What do you need from me aside from my logs?
Rather, which logs of which time do you need in specific?

I’m trying to figure out if ruling out Vul/CRich is actually a good move atp

it’s fine
I don’t need anything from you

Did you enter from the warehouse entrance or the hidden passage?

Unless Vul acted between 2020-07-31T17:40:00Z and 2020-07-31T19:44:00Z then I can confidently clear him of being the Blackened.

Meanwhile, compared to the 2 hour gap Vul had, CRich only has 30 minutes in the time he was at the Kitchen.

The only people I can clear are Mist and myself. And that’s because Mist never left the canteen

Hidden Passage.

Did the plaster get you when you came out or when you left the warehouse later?

When I came out. Pretty sure I made a drawing about this as well…

Here we go.

It was meant to be a warning of someone coming but it didn’t give me any warning.

CRich had a gray area of doing nothing for 30 minutes
which is ehhhhh

I think only way slot could have done something was by putting something in the bag
which even then we probably would have been able to find…well…anything that would point us toward it being a bomb rather than the alcohol

they apparently spent that time making white chocolate
and…nothing else

So it was you, you damn bastard…

By the way, you made a contradiction with this post. You made the alarm system before I made the info public.

Didn’t Alice tell you the alcohol was enough?
–anyhow, what happened to the alcohol, laxatives and “unmarked bottles” that Marshal had?

Where is the contradiction?

I trapped the warehouse exit.

I answered my own speculation
If it was related to something else, Alice would have at least hinted toward that instead of giving a blanket ‘no’ or at worst ‘complete misdirection’

I’m pretty sure I would have noticed somethimg too

Btw, I didn’t find a container to carry alcohol on wazza when I searched him

Nope. The plaster fell the moment I entered the Warehouse via the hidden tunnel.

In no way was that “the warehouse exit” unless you view the hidden tunnel as an exit in the first place.

Plus, there was only 1 tower as I didn’t get hit by any more plasters afterwards. So this “alarm” system of yours is literally only for 1 “exit” only.