[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

…so, are we going to talk about the alcohol or what?

I’m not sure how Alice interpreted my actions, and I only booby trapped the kitchen side exit.

Maybe the secret passageway was close enough to trigger my trap idk

Did anyone else check Wazza’s body?
@Universal @Apprentice @DatBird
@Italy @Mistyx

When did marshal last have the first two
I can confirm that the unmarked bottles from last phase were still in chem lab (iirc)

Well there is always one quick way to see whether this is the case or not: Ask Alice herself.

/vote Jane @Alice

He claimed to have it all the way back at Chapter 1… he also told me to suspect Italy when someone died by poison, but that’s irrelevant info.

–okay, I can’t seem to find where he said he has alcohol based off skimming alone, but he claimed to have obtained it as soon as Chapter 1 started.

jane said they went to the GDR to burn a carving knife and a water bottle
i just want to make sure
they never went to the GDR afterwards?

…of course the bloody trio stick together.

/vote Wazza

alcohol could have been gotten at ??? time
jane was confirmed to have gone to nurse’s as of the last trial iirc, alongside italy/pkr

I was glued to app for an extremely long time during daily life
If jane’s claim is to be believed at all (about using the incinerator), App could not have done it

if app was blackened, then jane wouldn’t be, and would have no reason to directly lie in this situation
even then people might be able to confirm (I didn’t check) if incinerator was used by jane at all

When and where was this said?
Because according to the logs, nobody else aside from Wazza used the Incinerator.

…well FWIW if either he has the alcohol container, then we can check his inventory now, right?

they would need to bring up what they did all phase

they said it in the GDR

already did that action

I am not suspecting App. He was never in my PoE. I just find it irritating how your vote matches Dat’s answer.

…what’s this about “Jane’s claim” though?

so what you’re saying is
Jane did not use the incinerator
despite claiming otherwise

when did you check

GDI, can someone invite me back to that PM?

I am voting based off my own deduction
Dat has had very little influence on my decisions so far