[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Because there’s no more evidence

If I’m thunderdomed, I don’t really have any arguments to use, so I hope that the misyeet limit is above 2.

Why did you investigate the room you had been in all day instead of go to the murder site?

play the game

I am ditto’ing Geyde. Vul, just read and play the game already. It isn’t even that much of a read in this Chapter compared to Chapter 2.

/Vote Vulgard

Wazza did not kermit reeeeee.

Blackened Voters Votes
Wazza Zone_Q11 1/10
Zone_Q11 Moleland 1/10
Jane Geyde 1/10
Vulgard Jane 1/10
Undecided DatBird, Apprentice, Italy, Universal, CRichard564, Vulgard, Mist1422 7

I went there, drew manga, then investigated the room. I received no feedback for a long while, so I was going to leave eventually, assuming there was nothing to be found. Then Zone notified me about Wazza getting killed, which is something I completely missed. So I went to the crime scene, but I never got added to the channel, so I don’t even know what evidence you can find in there.

I know it sounds like I’m blaming everything and everyone except myself, but that is what happened.

If that helps, nobody entered the art room at any point except Zone after Wazza died. I wanna say “I doubt he did it” but that didn’t work out so well with PKR.

when did you leave to go to the art room
did you go directly to art room or did you stop anywhere else in between (how you answer is incredibly important)

Directly there, after the trial ended. I even announced it in this channel beforehand.
Didn’t go anywhere else along the way. I spent a ridiculous amount of time in there without going back to the cafeteria or anywhere because I figured I was going to find something. And like I said, since I received no notifications, I was prepared to leave.

Little did I know that a murder happened in between and Zone had to directly notify me about it.

I really hate using this “no notification” thing as a justification for my actions, but if I’m supposed to be entirely truthful (since I’m not the killer, I should), that’s exactly what happened fmpov.

I did not find anything and I met no one along the way. The room had boxes in it, which I spent a great deal of time investigating, to no avail.

@Vulgard this should have been a ducking clue

Actually, Zone walked in twice, but the first time he did, I was asleep, so he just left without waiting for me. The second time he entered was after the murder.

But it wasn’t. What are you going to do about it?

Be salty

Well, I did go there eventually, but I never gained access to the crime scene, so.

Can you be less useful? You are making the rest of us look bad

Well this is a bummer.
Nothing to help us here Vulgard?

Vul, ignore Mole. Don’t bother thinking about the GDR PM unless you want to be timestamp manager as well.

Everyone has presented their evidence in this thread. I have pushed for Wazza/Jane. Jane has pushed for you. Mole is pushing for me, but we don’t care about Mole’s vote.

Now then: Who are you going to vote?