[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

true im coming

Blackened Voters Votes
Wazza Vulgard, CRichard564 2/10
Jane Geyde, Apprentice, Moleland, DatBird 4/10
Mole Jane, Zone_Q11, Mist1422 3/10
Undecided Italy, Universal 2

I don’t know if this VC is actually correct because I have no idea who had locked in their votes.

We are doomed. Better hope the fail count is higher than 2

To my knowledge, only Mole did.

Welp, Alice can figure it out when they come online, I suppose.

Well, looks like we’re going to be 2 votes short.

Mm thing feels like a gimmick that Alice would go back on

Yep. Unless one of the triumvirate CFDs to Mole as well in the final 10 minutes.

/vote Mole

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Fuck Disney

i really dont think thats how this mechanic works, like if it does, it just outs the mm

…okay, to which devil did I accidentally sell my soul to? I am legit scared of what the hell is happening right now.

Wait, explain to me what is going on rn. How much time do we have left?

idk bout time, but we got 3 main wagons, mole the mm, then jane for blackened, or the off wagon of wazza suicide

I assume counter ticks up but they don’t get closer to winning if we guess MM

About 5 minutes.
Long story short: We can nuke the mastermind’s wincon if we choose him as the Blackened.

Isn’t the mastermind’s wincon to survive the final trial?

tbh i feel like if thats how it works we vote Jane

we assume, we dont know. Its janes gamble to get votes off them

Mastermind can win if they:

  1. survive final trial

  2. enough Blackeneds escape (number is unknown to everyone)

Here you go: